Young Kashmiri Boy Receives Life-Saving Heart Surgery Thanks to Indian Army

The Indian Army comes to the rescue of a 9-year-old boy from Kashmir by facilitating life-saving heart surgery at a Delhi hospital.

Mar 6, 2024 - 12:40
Mar 6, 2024 - 12:41
Young Kashmiri Boy Receives Life-Saving Heart Surgery Thanks to Indian Army

Baramulla, Kashmir: In a heartwarming story, the Indian Army stepped in to ensure a life-saving heart surgery for Burhan Malik, a nine-year-old student from Baramulla in North Kashmir.

Burhan, who attends the Dagger Parivaar School run by the Army's Dagger Division, was diagnosed with a critical cardiac condition. Due to his family's financial constraints, affording the necessary surgery seemed impossible.

However, the Dagger Division didn't hesitate to help. They arranged an initial assessment with a cardiologist at the Government Medical College in Baramulla. The specialist confirmed the need for advanced surgery, unavailable locally.

The Army, working alongside the Indrani Balan Foundation, then facilitated Burhan's transfer to the Army Hospital Research and Referral Hospital (AHRR) in Delhi Cantt. This ensured he received the specialized care he needed.

This act of compassion by the Indian Army highlights their commitment to serving the community and ensuring well-being, extending beyond security concerns. Burhan's successful surgery offers him a brighter future, thanks to the timely intervention and support he received.

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