Putin extends invitation to Modi for Russia visit, says he has kept him posted on Ukraine situation

Putin's decision to personally meet Jaishankar sends a powerful message about the strength and resilience of the India-Russia friendship.

Dec 28, 2023 - 14:42
Dec 28, 2023 - 14:53
Putin extends invitation to Modi for Russia visit, says he has kept him posted on Ukraine situation

New Delhi: Amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and global pressure on India to take sides, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar reaffirmed the strong and enduring relationship between the two nations.

Key Points:

    • Putin expressed his wish for "our friends every success" in India's upcoming Lok Sabha elections and emphasized that "traditional conventional friendly ties" will remain regardless of the political landscape.
    • He extended an invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Russia for further discussions on current issues and the future of the bilateral relationship.
    • Putin acknowledged India's busy political schedule in 2024 but expressed hope that friendly ties will persist despite any changes in political alignments.
    • India has maintained its neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict, calling for a peaceful resolution through dialogue. New Delhi has engaged with both Russia and Ukraine at the highest levels.
    • Despite Western pressure, India has continued to purchase Russian oil, prioritizing its own energy needs and economic interests.

Putin's Remarks:

"We are gratified to note that despite all the turmoil happening worldwide, the relationship with our true friend in Asia, India, has been progressing incrementally," Putin stated. He further highlighted his desire to host Prime Minister Modi in Russia for comprehensive discussions on relevant issues and the future of the India-Russia relationship.

India's Balancing Act:

India has navigated a delicate diplomatic tightrope since the outbreak of the Ukraine war. While maintaining its long-standing ties with Russia, it has also called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and engaged with Ukraine. This balancing act reflects India's strategic interests and its desire to maintain good relations with all major powers.

The Road Ahead:

The India-Russia relationship is likely to remain stable in the foreseeable future, despite the changing global landscape. Both countries share common interests in areas such as defense cooperation, energy security, and trade. The upcoming visit of Prime Minister Modi to Russia will provide an opportunity to further strengthen these ties and chart the course for future collaboration.

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